Alissa's Journey of Vulnerability, Courage, and Resilience (Alissa Christensen)

Season 4

Alissa's Journey of Vulnerability, Courage, and Resilience (Alissa Christensen)

Published on
November 23, 2023

In this episode, we talk to Alissa, a woman who has faced unimaginable challenges in her life. Alissa shares her story of losing a stillborn daughter, having thoughts of suicide, and witnessing her sister struggle with addiction and overdose. She also reveals how she coped with these traumas, how she found strength and support, and how she learned to embrace vulnerability, courage, and resilience.

Alissa’s journey is one of pain, grief, and despair, but also of hope, healing, and transformation. She shows us how we can overcome the darkest moments of our lives by opening our hearts, reaching out for help, and finding meaning and purpose. She also inspires us to be more compassionate, empathetic, and supportive of others who are going through similar struggles.

This episode is a powerful and moving conversation that will touch your soul and make you think about your own life. It is also a testament to the human spirit and the power of love. Join us as we listen to Alissa’s story and learn from her experience and insights.

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We've ALL been there (literally). Our Collective Journey offers a strength-based, solution-focused approach to changing your relationship with substances. We help you obtain the resources YOU decide on to begin building your recovery capital. There is no cost for this support!

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