Pathways To Recovery

Community Support Meeting

OCJ Pathways to Recovery
OCJ Pathways to Recovery

IMPORTANT: This meeting will take place virtually over Zoom for July and August 2024, please see the link below to attend!

Virtual For the Summer

Time: 6:30-7:30 pm

  • July 4, 18
  • Aug 1, 15, 29

Meeting Link:

There are multiple support groups and meetings around Medicine Hat, but not one like this. The mission behind this meeting is to open the door to anyone who is impacted by addiction. People struggling with addiction, parents, spouses, or friends of. An atmosphere of support and a lens of recovery will be fostered by the presence of at least two OCJ Recovery Coaches. This solution-focused meeting gathers biweekly (6:30-7:30 pm) online via Zoom throughout the summer. Coaches are not there to facilitate a program, but rather to ensure there is always a welcoming and solution-themed atmosphere.

This meeting is for anyone who:

  • is in recovery themselves
  • supports someone impacted by addiction (parent, spouse, friend…)
  • lost someone to addiction
  • wants to know more about the disease of addiction
  • wants to build a support network

Requirements to attend:

  • Although it is not an anonymous meeting, we ask that no identifying details of someone’s journey be shared outside the meeting room unless you have consent from them.
  • If you are in attendance and under the influence of substances, we ask you to remain respectful and non-disruptive. You might be asked to leave if these requests cannot be met.
  • Have an open mind to multiple pathways to recovery. There is not just one thing that works!
2024 In Person Meetings to Resume this Fall in Medicine Hat, AB.


"I just wanted to message and say great job on the meetings. I attended last week. I work the Al-Anon program as someone who personally hit a rock bottom being affected by addiction. I stuck by a partner with an opioid addiction who luckily got away from that, but since has been living in active alcoholism. I lost a very close sister to me on that side of the family 11 months ago to a fentanyl overdose. I've been attending Al-Anon for a year and a half now, working on myself to get out of my own rock bottom, but find myself needing more. Wanting to do more. I'm a mom to 3 boys and will do everything I can to be my strongest me through it all and educate them as they grow. And I just had to say you're meeting was absolutely amazing and stuck with me in more ways then I can say. You're reaching a lot of people. Not just addicts themselves. So I had to say great job, keep it up and I'll be back!!"
-Meeting attendee

If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please contact OCJ Director of Operations and Education – Ryan Oscar at 403-800-1191 or email him at